Hey guys. In this picture I am wearing a massive, black faux fur coat, which is vintage. Vintage meaning I stole it out of my mother's wardrobe. I wish I could tell you where it is from, but I honestly haven't got the foggiest. The reason for the awful quality of the photo, is due to the awful lighting in my University bedroom. Also, the reason for myself wearing a massive fur coat in my bedroom is due to the utterly, utterly crap heating in my little uni room. I live in Southampton and the weather here is -3/4, so I have to wear this is in my bedroom to keep me warm, because I literally have no heating. I slept in this coat last nigh too. The heating used in all our dorm rooms is just completely bewildering. It uses a sensor, therefore the heating only comes on when we are moving about in our rooms. Obviously the poeple/person who invented this piece of shite didn't think that humans need heating when they are sat watching t.v, sat at their desk working, or sleeping in bed etc, so this coat really is literally a lifesaver. I also find it funny that in summer when we are really hot and if we decide to walk from one side of the room to the other the heating will come on, even if we didn't want it to! Anyway i'm pretty sure I would have froze to death and then you lovely people wouldn't be able to read my random posts. GOD SAVE THE FUR COAT. I might add that I'm looking very pale and just not good. I blame that on the cold weather too. I'd also been travelling all day!
I'll just get back to waving my hand at 5 minute intervals infront of this blood heat sensor
Hate for our ridiculous uni rooms :( I brought back a portable heater with me though, good times!